"Rokumachi Circular No. 62" This time it's a game project! They're taking on the "Just-right Ice Game"! The members who don't listen to the game's explanation end up playing as hard as they can. They also talk about their just-right episodes! [Members] Aramaki Yoshihiko (Twitter: / ara_mackey ) Wada Masanari (Twitter: / masanari6 ) Sato Ryuji (Twitter: / ryuji7117 ) Umezu Mizuki (Twitter: / mizukiumetsu ) Hashimoto Shohei (Twitter: / hashimotoshohey ) Tanaka Ryosei (Twitter: / ryousei_tanaka ) ■■■■■■■ Check out the six in action below! ■■■■■■■ Nippon Television [Rokunin Yoreba Chonai-kai] ★Official website: https://www.ntv.co.jp/rokumachi/ ★Official twitter: / rokumachi_ntv #RokuninYorebaChonai-kai #Rokumachi #Just-rightIceGame #tiktok