A Hero of This Time is a Syrian comedy series starring Ayman Zidan, Nadine and Shukran Murtaja, and Basem Yakhour. It was first shown on the Syrian Arab TV channel, Channel One. The series revolves around the daily life of a simple family, where the father works as a public sector employee and after finishing his official work, he does side jobs in order to secure enough income to support his family, while his wife works as a teacher and is forced to give private lessons while the three children prepare to take their high school exams (with the father too!!). The characters of the series: The family of Professor Saeed Al-Nayha (Ayman Zidan): The wife Jumana (Nadine) and the children Hussam (Hussam Al-Shah), Alaa (Maen Abdulhaq) and Salwa (Raghdaa Shaarani), the brothers Abu Zuhair (Bassam Lotfi), who can be defined as having an (open) soul for marriage, and Mansour (Ayman Reda), who always postpones his (first) marriage. Hassan: The wife’s brother, Salim Kallas Surur (Fahd Al-Sakri): Saeed Al-Nayha’s partner in the archaeological excavation work, he exchanges words of encouragement with Saeed during the excavation. In the work, the director, Mr. Asim (Hassan Awiti), who does not have authority even over the directorate’s secretary (Rana Abyad), and the head of the department, Miss Iftikhar, who changes her name to Sanaa (Shukran Murtaja), who resents all married men and women, and Mr. Suhail (Bassem Yakhour), Iftikhar’s mother: this role is played by the actress (Hoda Shaarawi). The general manager: the actor Zuhair Ramadan, who appears as the ideal general manager who does not know about his directorate except what the (malicious) reports formulate for him. The head of the police station: the actor Nizar Abu Hajar, where Saeed Al-Nayha appears as if he is a regular customer of his.