⭐️You can apply for the "LinkUp Free Study Session" on LINE to learn the correct way to study English⭐️ ↓ https://liff.line.me/2006311463-K5g0g... We also have grammar rules that you absolutely must know, and a "must-know for beginners" English vocabulary and phrase book, so please use them to study卍LinkUp Inc. website: https://linkup-english.co.jp/ Please follow us as well卍Instagram: / english_hina X: / hina_toeic 【Table of contents】 0:00 Learning English using videos5:15 Ariannita la Gringa 9:29 Ryan Suzuki10:23 Yopi's English School 13:06 Curious George20:31 Summary #fluent #English #self-study #completely self-study #vocabulary book #grammar #shadowing #sistan #kinfure #English learning method #TOEIC #Eiken #English conversation #study abroad #No study abroad #Working holiday #Listening #Speaking #Perfect score #English grammar #English vocabulary #How to study English #Learning English