Update: This is what the garden looks like in August: • Natural garden - This is how we help our i... ➤➤ www.renature-garten.de In spring 2022, we converted the gravel garden shown into a real natural garden. The plants shown are all hardy and will multiply, so that the front garden becomes more beautiful from year to year. Once the plants have grown, there is no longer any need to water them even in dry periods, as the plants can withstand extremely high levels of drought. The garden is therefore very easy to care for, looks wonderful and is a real feast for our insects! Do something against species extinction and plant the plants mentioned in your gardens. Inform friends and acquaintances with gravel gardens about the beautiful alternative here in the video! The following plant species are found in the front garden: Leading perennial: Common serviceberry (Amelanchier ovalis) Accompanying perennials: Common pasqueflower (Pulsatilla vulgaris) Bare-stemmed iris (Iris aphylla) Felt knapweed (Centaurea triumfettii) Upright speedwell (Veronica teucrium) Round-leaved bellflower (Campanula rotundifolia) Pigeon scabious (Scabiosa columbaria) Branchy grass lily (Anthericum ramosum) Noble yarrow (Achillea nobilis) Tall stonecrop (Sedum telephium) Ground cover: Broad-leaved thyme (Thymus pulegioides) Whitsun pink (Dianthus gratianopolitanus) Grass: Sheep's fescue (Festuca ovina) In front of the heat pump: Alpine aster (Aster alpinus) Heart-leaved globeflower (Globularia cordifolia) Subshrub speedwell (Veronica fruticulosa) Dwarf bellflower (Campanula cochlearifolia) Sources for the plants: https://www.staudenspatz.de/ https://www.gaertnerei-strickler.de/ https://shop.hof-berggarten.de/ https://www.wildpflanzen-becker.de/ No liability for the content of the links.