In the next episode of the documentary series “Aliens Among Us,” we will tell you about a beetle that has become one of the most successful and dangerous aliens — the Colorado potato beetle. Even in its homeland, North America, it is considered a formidable pest, capable of destroying crops over vast territories in a matter of days. But when it got to Russia, where it has no natural enemies, it became a real disaster, terrifying scientists and agronomists. In just fifteen years, the Colorado potato beetle managed to spread throughout the country — from the western borders to the Pacific coast. And wherever it appeared, the Colorado potato beetle destroyed potato fields literally to the ground. How we managed to cope with the dangerous invader, and whether it is capable of presenting us with unpleasant surprises in the future — we will tell you in the series “Aliens Among Us.” #beetle #coloradobeetle #vegetablegarden #livingplanet #nature #intheworldofanimals