Taichi Yaguchi is currently studying at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences at the University of Tokyo. He has received the Prime Minister's Award and the Mie Prefectural Governor's Award for his research into cicada flight, which he began in the fifth grade of elementary school. His books include "In this unequal world, so that we can reach the starting line" (published by Asahi Shimbun Publications). / taichi_yaguchi Yaguchi's book https://amzn.asia/d/2No8rpw World Championship for High School Student Research (International Student Science and Engineering Fair; ISEF) https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%9... Japan Student Science Award (JSSA) https://event.yomiuri.co.jp/jssa/ Japan High School and College Science and Engineering Challenge (JSEC) https://manabu.asahi.com/jsec/ Bonus: Yaguchi's appearance on PIVOT • [Tokyo University students shouldn't go to consulting firms] The scientific thinking that changed GEO / The Masayoshi Son Educational Foundation's connections /... Komatsu Ryosuke / leo_keeb Onishi Takuma / illlilllililill / @takumaonishi Appearance application form (in preparation)