Today, a looooong and looooong story about the opening and exhibition. And also a short report from the photo walk with Mih and Bartek. Mihu: / mihu Bartek: / snapy.z.lapy 00:00:00-00:39:50 about the exhibition and opening 00:39:50-00:52:01 photo walk StreetWiseCollective: / streetwise_collective My socials and support for this project: / arturtrolinski Instagram of my photography studio: / trolinskistudio Channel support: https://buycoffee.to/atrolinski ❤️❤️❤️HUGE THANKS TO THE PATRONS❤️❤️❤️ Michał Baranowski, Robert Jurczyk, Bartłomiej Szpunar, Adam Romański, Rafał Zdyb, Grzegorz Kaczor, Wojciech Pietrzok, Agata Sieradzka