#st43 #romanian #electroputere #060Da #062Da #mirmur2 #railway Mirosław Romański talks about the 060Da locomotive accepted by PKP under the designation ST43, almost unseen on Polish tracks. The vehicles were manufactured under license from the Swiss company Sulzer in the Romanian towns of Craiova and Resita. The Polish State Railways received 422 of these locomotives over almost 13 years, of which several are still in operation... --------------------------------------------- The author would like to express his heartfelt thanks to the management and employees of the repair hall in Żurawica Rozrządowa, with whom he spoke, for providing the ST43 diesel locomotive and for several valuable comments. --------------------------------------------- ✅ If you are interested in receiving notifications about new films, please subscribe to the channel ???? Thanks to this, you will receive regular notifications about materials on this channel --------------------------------------------- ✅ IF YOU WANT TO SUGGEST A FILM TOPIC OR HAVE ANOTHER QUESTION, YOU CAN WRITE: ???? Contact: [email protected]