#house #forest #dugout This time I went to the forest to build a FOREST HOUSE not alone. Big plans, a lot of work needs to be done. It is necessary to build a reliable shelter in the wilderness of the island taiga before the arrival of winter, we build a FRAME and improve forest life in these places. Enjoy watching everyone! URM ANIK Workshop: https://urmanika.ru/ MY TELEGRAM: https://t.me/ermaksakh For ADVERTISING/COLLABORATION inquiries: [email protected] ZEN: https://dzen.ru/id/621ed9b14db4f6639d... VK: https://vk.com/ermakkos RUTUBE: https://rutube.ru/channel/24913184/ Donate: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/ermakk VOLUNTARY ASSISTANCE FOR CHANNEL DEVELOPMENT Sberbank: 5469500012272722 Tinkoff: 5536913969962550 A FEW DAYS IN THE WILDERNESS - WE BUILT THE FRAME OF A FOREST HOUSE TREE HOUSE TESTS