Nakatsan and Tanabe "Midwinter Culture Festival" ~Bands, Quiz and Beauty Pageant~ Date: Saturday, December 21st, Start time: 16:00 Price: 1,500 yen for streaming https://online-ticket.yoshimoto.co.jp... Nakaryo-san... I'm really glad I wasn't hated (^∇^) But I can't help it!!! I have to drink in moderation (`_´)ゞ... I don't want to be disliked, no, no!! I'll try my best not to think negativelyᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ Text by Bechiko Bechiko is surprisingly a woman who has had many love affairs lol Well, rather than that guy, I'm too busy patrolling VCRGTA3 streams to deal with it - this time the gang is good but the super camp is just too much fun!! Thank you for Gil-kun's cut-out videos - Text by Tanabe Tiktok https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS5JuA9d/ X / nakatana773 Instagram / nakassan_tanabe LINE VOOM https://linevoom.line.me/user/_dXt7x6... Please send us a message here! 2F Jimbocho Theater Building, 1-23 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo For work inquiries, please contact us here! [email protected]