Jérôme Pitorin goes to this department in the south of France, larger than the Côte d'Azur but less populated than the Lot. With his hiking boots, he sets off to meet those who make this territory so endearing. In spaces populated by ibex, birds of prey or wild boars, mutual aid is never far away. Summary: The choice of Ariège Discovering the jewels of medieval heritage Ariège, a passion for cycling Mineral treasures Mérens, the Ariège horse Vertiges of Ariège The notebook of good addresses Echappées Belles Ariège! La Maison Lacube – breeders and restaurateurs… Les Cabannes - https://lamaisonlacube.fr Le Refuge du Rulhe - https://rulhe.com Coutellerie Savignac, Foix - https://www.couteau-savignac.com/fr/ Pisciculture des chutes d’Aston - http://www.truites-aston.fr Camin Ariège Pyrénées - Rafting, tree climbing, hiking and other outdoor activities - https://www.caminariegepyrenees.com/?m=1 Pascal Jusot, artisan clog maker, Arrien en Bethmale- http://artisan-bois-sabots.fr/wp/ Chevaux de Merens http://www.merens-ariege.com/ Bike park Zone 2 ride / bikeparkzone2ride Crémerie du couserans / cremerieducouserans Crémerie du Comminges 1 place route nationale Jean Jaurès Saint Gaudens Château de Gudanes www.chateaugudanes.com/ Course l'Ariegeoise http://www.cyclosport-ariegeoise.com/ Ariège Pyrenees Guides Office http://www.guides-ariege.com/ http://www.adret-canyon.fr/ Ariège Departmental Speleology Committee https://www.cds09.com/ http://explos.fr/