The story of a young father searching for his daughters against the backdrop of a great historical tragedy – the Armenian Genocide of 1915. An important and poignant film by Berlin Film Festival laureate Fatih Akim (Head-On, Soul Kitchen). The film premiered at the 2014 Venice Film Festival, and eight countries took part in its production: Germany, Turkey, Russia, Canada, Poland, Jordan, Italy, and France. The main role was played by Tahar Rahim. 1915. The head of a happy Armenian family, Nazareth Manoukian, lives with his beloved wife and twin daughters in Mardin. In just a few years, the Ottoman Empire will disappear from the world map, but for now, in the hope of returning it to its former power, the authorities drag the country into World War I and pursue a policy of brutal oppression of national minorities. One night, Nazareth, like other Armenian men, is taken away to build a road. Soon the forced laborers are called to convert to Islam, and those who do not agree become victims of massacres. Nazareth miraculously manages to escape, but what about his loved ones? There is still hope that both young daughters have gone to safety. In search of them, Nazareth sets out on a long and difficult journey through different cities and countries. Starring: Tahar Rahim Simon Abkarian Makram Huri Hindi Zara Kevork Malikyan Bartu Küçükçağlayan Trine Dürholm Moritz Bleibtreu Akin Gazi George Georgiou