In a distant land where it snowed most of the year, there lived a magical girl. She had the gift of creating a unique snowflake with every wave of her hand, sparkling like a jewel. She made everyone who saw her happy with her snowflakes. Winter was her favorite season, because then she could show her power. She enjoyed all the winter joys: sledding, snowballing, building snowmen and snow castles. But most of all, she loved creating snowflakes that adorned her creations. She often played with her friends in the snow, which was like her second homeland. Together they laughed, had fun and admired her snowflakes, which were like works of art. But one day something happened that threatened her happiness and her power... This is a touching fairy tale about a brave girl, Katarina, who spread joy and love with her kind-hearted character and her snowflakes. Despite the difficulties that befell her, she did not lose faith in her strength, which was hidden in her heart. With her strength, she overcame all obstacles and made the world even more wonderful and kinder. This is a fairy tale that teaches us that we must always and everywhere follow our dreams and believe in ourselves. Let us realize that we are all magical too, because we have a mysterious power within us with which we can change the world for the better. Author: Ema Hribovšek #fairytale #fairytales #winter #winterfairytale #goodheart #love #goodnight #sleep #children #child #dream #fairytalesforgoodnight #fairytalesforcalming #fairytalesforchildren #fairytalesforgoodmorning #slovenianfairy #imagination