Subscribe to my Telegram channel: https://t.me/arivieva Support and participate in the development of the channel ♥️: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/vitr... Cooperation: Alexandra - Telegram @glitteralexz ⬇️Promo code: ARINA -10% is cumulative to discounts on the site⬇️ Styler KARU from WAU https://wau.ru/uhod-za-volosami/karu-... Promo code RANDEWOO➡️: 10ARINA ⬅️ 10% on everything (from 2500₽), cumulative with all discounts and promotions Juliette has a Gun Mmmm... — https://s.randewoo.ru/41uguqC Guerlain L'Instant Magic — https://s.randewoo.ru/49AZFwd Hello everyone! My name is Arina :) On my channel you will find videos about cosmetics, namely reviews, favorites and disappointments, tests of luxury cosmetics, we will try new cosmetics together, also videos from the category get ready with me, a makeup tutorial, decluttering a cosmetic bag, a cosmetic bag for a beginner, makeup for beginners, daily makeup, evening makeup and much, much more!