A day at the beach now that the sun is finally shining? Get your wallet out. There are a lot of complaints about the exorbitant amounts you pay for a beach bed, a snack, an ice cream, a simple lunch and a few beers these days. Sarah Bakker puts it to the test! #pownews #sarahbakker #beach ???? Support PowNed, become a member: https://www.helpmee.tv ???? For more fantastic content, also check out our YouTube channel Omroep PowNed! / @omroeppowned ⭐ Discover more of PowNed on our website and socials! ► Website: https://www.powned.tv ► Facebook: https://www.fb.com/OmroepPowNed ► Instagram: / omroeppowned ► TikTok: / omroeppownedofficial ► Twitter: / powned ???? Tip for the editors? Mail to [email protected]