After I uploaded a first video last week from the opening evening of the Soest All Saints Fair, which finally took place again in 2021, we were in Soest's old town again on the following Saturday and Sunday to take you around the fair for a whole day and show you all the attractions in peace and quiet and of course try them out. Of course, we weren't alone this time, because this time we walked across the square as a group and got on the carousels, celebrated the fair and enjoyed the great atmosphere. Every now and then other familiar faces joined us and made our day even better. You can find out whether a day from early morning to late evening at the largest old town fair in Europe was enough for us and what the others have to say about the new fairs in 2021 in this new, 1-hour XXL vlog from the All Saints' Fair in Soest 2021. Click here for the new features presentation and part 1: • Fair start after a year of forced pa... __ ADVERTISING: Visit me on Instagram and Facebook: / kirmesfanmopohl / kirmesfanmopohl My shop: https://kirmesfanmopohl.freizeitpark.de