This is the main street in the center of Nam N'Jang commune, Dak Song district, Dak Nong province (Central Highlands) and we can easily see Thai houses, villa-style houses lying close together. During the prosperous period, that is, the period from 2013 to 2017, it seemed that every house had at least one car. But they did not buy trucks to transport agricultural products for their families or to provide transportation services, but bought cars, passenger cars as a way to show off to life after hard working days. Buying a car to keep up with friends, buying a car to show off to the world or to affirm their social status. There were even families who bought 2 cars, one for the father and one for the son. #Central Highlands #Dak Nong #Nâm N'Jang Billionaire Village @HoangNamChallengeMe