Register for LINE for free and receive 8 paid-level benefits!! <8 free gifts to learn anatomy and put it to practice!> A total of 119 minutes of video and 267 PDF documents are included! 1: Lecture on spinal anatomy (38 minutes) 2: Lecture on pelvic anatomy (34 minutes) 3: Lecture on hip joint anatomy (36 minutes) 4: Spinal anatomy materials (108 PDF pages) 5: Pelvic anatomy materials (65 PDF pages) 6: Hip joint anatomy materials (94 PDF pages) 7: 6 tips to improve clinical skills (11 minutes) 8: 6 tips to improve clinical skills (31 PDF pages) Register for LINE@ for free and receive 8 gifts! →https://lin.ee/EJMcmsk ■Table of contents■ 00:00 Opening 01:50 Image and function of the gluteus medius 04:52 Tips for training the gluteus medius 08:01 Exercises for the gluteus medius 12:53 Summary ■Useful Instagram to read■ https://www.instagram.com/n.pilates7/... ■Specialist column note■ https://note.com/pt7 ■X■ / kibou7777 ■Voicy■ https://voicy.jp/channel/1863 ■Change your body! Machine Pilates studio! N Pilates store HP■ https://npilates.jp/