⭐️Minoha's new book⭐️ "Hand-stitched fabric accessories for everyday life" will be released on May 18, 2024! (Hardcover) https://amzn.to/4bLieNW (Kindle version) https://amzn.to/4dEAqdU __________________________________________________ Thank you for watching our videos♪ In this video, we've compiled the "wisdom of machiya living" from the two videos featuring Minoha Mayumi♪ Please take a look at Minoha's "careful living"✨ ⚫︎Click here to watch the full videos↓ 🔽Room tour of Minoha's home • [Room tour] A 100-year-old Kyoto machiya full of handcrafted items and ingenuity Handmade lifestyle... 🔽Winter life in a Kyoto machiya • Warming up with a homemade foot bath and sake lees soup, winter life in a Kyoto machiya Handmade lifestyle researcher Mino... __________________________________________________ ⚫︎Click here for other Minoha videos↓ 🔽How to make a neck warmer • [Ready in 5 minutes! ] Easy neck warmers available in three sizes, from children to men... 🔽What made Minoha start making these by hand? Interview video • Learning about the richness of life and lifestyle from Minowa Mayumi's "handmade" 🔽How to make an azuki bean warmer • [Learn from Minowa Mayumi] How to make a simple azuki bean warmer A reusable art... 🔽Making preserved foods and accessories from scraps Lifestyle Vlog • Living in a 100-year-old Kyoto townhouse Making preserved foods and accessories from scraps Lifestyle Vlog 🧵Handmade lifestyle researcher "Minowa Mayumi" YouTube▼ @FUKOHandmade Instagram▼ / minowa_mayumi __________________________________________________ 👑 Subscribe here / @metas_handmade MeTAS+ (Mitas) https://me-tas.tv-osaka.co.jp/ Twitter / art_handmade Instagram / makingbazaar #minowamayumi #kyotomachiya #townhouselife