This is the story of Ho-chan, a popular character at Tennoji Zoo. We plan to release videos from either the "I LOVE Ho-chan" or "WE LOVE Icchan Ho-chan" series at random about once a week. This "WE LOVE Icchan Ho-chan" series is the story of Ho-chan alone. We would be happy if polar bear fans from all over Japan and the world could watch it. We also have other sub-channels, "Zukkoke Adult Travel" and "USJ Channel". We would be encouraged if you would subscribe and rate the sub-channels as a result of this encounter. Thank you again. #TennojiZoo #Hou-chan #PolarBearSanta #PolarBear #Icchan #PolarBear #Gogo #551Horai #Fluffy #SherrieMay