Classrooms with open glass walls, desks of various heights, and even a cafeteria in the middle of the school building! In Finland, they say that feeling like students are part of a community is 'safe'. What makes Finnish education possible, where students are given choices and freedom while not leaving anyone out? In 'Education Around the World Part 5', we looked at the Finnish education scene, where equal educational opportunities create a happy country. 📺 EBS Documentary K - 'Documentary K - Education Around the World Part 5 Not giving up on a single student. Watch the full version of 'Finland' 👉 https://ebsstory.info/44TPIqm ✔EBS Documentary K 👉 Every Wednesday and Thursday at 11:55 PM, EBS1 👉 https://docuprime.ebs.co.kr/docuprime/ #Education #Finland #Happiness #Exam #University #Job #Education #School #Documentary #DocumentaryK #Documentary #ebs --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👩🏻🎓👨🏻🎓 EBS, the lifelong school for all citizens Check out the EBS lifelong school August schedule at the link below! https://ebsstory.info/3rNKHAU