Summary of the movie ????????????????????????????????????????????????????, while attending a basketball team game, something strange happens as the boy Brian touches the ball played by the team's star Kevin Durant, as a result of this incident, basketball skills are unexpectedly exchanged between them, Brian suddenly becomes a skilled player, while Durant begins to lose his amazing skills, the summary is full of exciting and exciting events, watch the summary, you will not regret it, enjoy watching ❤❤ Movie name ???? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? My accounts ???????? ____________ Channel Mol l'pile ???? / @-mollpile __________ Facebook ???? https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... _________ Instagram ???? https://instagram.com/mol_lpile2?igsh... _________ If you liked the video, you can watch these summaries as well ???? 15 ???????? ????????????????????????◀️ • A girl gets a magic candle on her birthday... ????????????????????????????????◀️ • An orphan boy defies all difficulties???? to achieve a solution... ???????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????◀️ • The most unlucky girl in the world???? Her imagination is vast in... ???????????????? ????????????????????????'???? ???????????? ◀️ • A man finds a child in the snow, so he sells him for a cheap price... ???????????????????? ???????????????????????? ◀️ • A mother with 3 very smart and naughty children ???? ... ???????????????????????? ◀️ • A 7-year-old orphan girl ♥️ For you... #Mol_lpile #Mol_lpile #Summaries_in_Darija #mol_lpile #Movie_Summaries #Disney_bdarija #Disney_in_Darija