A Black Day in the Occupation of Istanbul ''November 8, 1919'' General Franchet d'Esperey went mad when the translation of the article was placed in front of him. The aspect of the article that angered him the most was the reminder of the German invasion of 1871, for he believed that he had avenged his previous defeat with his victory on the Marne front. ''Find this man immediately,'' he told his staff. ''Find him and destroy him immediately!'' Süleyman Nazif remained hidden for weeks in order to hide his tracks. He had revived the fading national excitement with a single article, but he was facing the threat of losing his life. After a while, he fell into the hands of the British, not the French, and was put on a ship and hastily exiled to Malta. There he would recite lines like "The lonely, malarious, sorrowful, endless nights / Ask the stars how many tears I shed" and would include one of the most famous examples of our old poetry, "Daussıla", meaning "longing for the homeland", in his book that he would call "Malta Nights"... Sources: French Film Archive Murat Bardakçı Voiced by: Ata Taşpınar Video production and coloring: Akif Tanrıkulu #beyazathadisesi #istanbulanger #istanbulinvasion