Garis Tangan 2 is a reality show hosted by Uya Kuya, assisted by Arbi Alfarisi Tigor tadan Siagian. This show helps candidates who participate in the Garis Tangan show to find a mate, in addition, the two experts Arbi and Tigor reveal the identities and secrets of all the candidates' traits before continuing the matchmaking or establishing a relationship to a more serious level. Don't forget to re-scan ANTV on your STB to keep watching your favorite shows only on ANTV! Garis Tangan 2 ANTV Eps 59 (1/4): • Approach Your Boss for a Contract At That K... Garis Tangan 2 ANTV Eps 59 (2/4): • You Sell, I Buy! Undaunted Miyan Adu... Garis Tangan 2 ANTV Eps 59 (3/4) : • It Turns Out That Being Rich Is Really... Garis Tangan 2 ANTV Eps 59 (4/4) : • Shroud and Graveyard So That I... #garistangan #garistangatheseries #sinetronantv 24 Hour Livestream : https://www.antvklik.com/livestream Website: https://www.viahub.id/ https://www.viacreativehub.com/ Now you can watch various of your favorite shows on ANTV anytime in the palm of your hand. #ANTV #ANTVofficial #ANTVKlik #ANTVLovers ANTV,Palm Lines,Uya Kuya,Rudi Ruach,Mysticism,Matchmaking,Mystery,True Story,Reality Show,Indigo,Hypnotherapist,palm lines,latest full episode antv palm lines,uya kuya palm lines,latest antv palm lines,Reality Show,Indigo,Hypnotherapist,palm lines,latest full episode antv palm lines,uya kuya palm lines,latest antv palm lines,antv is busy,antvofficial