In Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, a self-employed man, Takuji Miyamoto (47), was arrested on suspicion of aggressive driving. On the 8th of last month, Miyamoto overtook a car driven by a 63-year-old woman on a three-lane road, and immediately afterwards braked, causing the woman's car to stop, creating danger. Aggressive driving is not only subject to extremely close following distances from behind, but also sudden lane changes or sudden braking with the intent of blocking the passage of other cars, which can result in immediate license revocation. In addition to this arrest case, there have been a series of dangerous driving incidents with the same model of car in the Okazaki City area. At least five cases have been confirmed. All of them are cars with the same license plate number. In Anjo City, next to Okazaki City, in July, while stopped at a red light, the car in front suddenly stopped across the lane. And on the crosswalk. When the light changed and it started to move, it turned on its hazard lights and stopped in the middle of the intersection. The driver felt in danger and reported it. After that, the black car started driving slowly. However, it suddenly changed lanes and stopped suddenly. The following car almost rear-ended it. The victim said, "This is really bad because they do this to an unspecified number of people. I was shocked, or rather, stunned." The video was taken at a railroad crossing last month. It was that car coming from the opposite direction. For some reason, it crossed the railroad crossing and stopped immediately. The camera showing the rear of the car showed a line of cars behind it that had nowhere to go. Dangerous driving by cars with the same license plate number was concentrated in an 8-kilometer radius. It also overlapped with Miyamoto's living area. A person who knows the suspect said, "He's the kind of person who you can't talk to normally. His father said, 'I raised him to do whatever he wanted, so he became selfish.' (Q. I've never heard of him driving recklessly.)" Miyamoto is said to have denied the charges, saying, "I didn't drive aggressively." The police have received multiple inquiries about aggressive driving by the same car model, and are investigating the connection. [TV Asahi News] https://news.tv-asahi.co.jp