Hello~ This is Jirisan Story! Since blueberries are in full bloom these days, I visited Songji Blueberry Farm in Hyucheon-myeon, Hamyang! The owner of this farm has been farming for 35 years, and he said that he first raised bees and goats when he first became a farmer. Then, he started growing blueberries for 15 years~ He is currently farming organically and is making a lot of money! He is a great person who even volunteers to be a mentor for new farmers~ It was a great time with great people~^^ #CountryLifeEvlog #BlueberryFarm #OrganicBlueberries #GrowingBlueberries #HighProfitCropBlueberries #SongjiBlueberryFarm #BlueberryFarming #GrowingBlueberriesInPottedCorn #BlueberryGrowingKnowhow #BlueberryJam #FrozenBlueberries #BlueberryJuice #OrganicAgriculturalProducts