Alex is a YouTuber who takes viewers through a wide range of experiences on his channel 9 Voltowa Nirvana – from trip reports to personal trainer advice to gear reviews. His content often touches on controversial topics. On his channel, he doesn’t shy away from difficult or provocative topics, seeking truth or new perspectives on controversial issues. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/40aV... Links: Instagram: / 9v_nirvana YouTube: / @9vn Table of contents: 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:40 Toadstools 00:09:30 Fighting Drugs 00:10:20 Keta&#*a 00:13:00 Psychedelics in Religion 00:20:30 The Toadstool Controversy 00:23:20 Lessons from Mushrooms 00:26:00 Microdosing 00:27:30 Allergies and Psilocybin 00:29:00 Intention in Psychedelics 00:32:00 Heroic Dose 00:38:00 Religion 00:40:00 Expedition to India 00:45:00 Breath 00:48:00 Chakras 00:58:00 Masculinity 01:00:00 Women vs Men