"Midnight Swan" will be released on Friday, September 25, 2020. It's the longest in the world! A 925-second (15 minutes and 25 seconds) trailer was created on the release date, September 25th, to match the pronunciation of the word! Starring: Tsuyoshi Kusanagi x Director: Eiji Uchida Original Screenplay A love story that depicts a "sad but beautiful form of modern love" through the figures of Nagisa, a transgender woman living in Shinjuku with daily physical and mental conflicts, and Ichika, a girl who lives without the love of her parents but dreams of becoming a ballet dancer. Cast: Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, Kisaki Hattori (newcomer), Shunsuke Tanaka, Kaito Yoshimura, Rei Sanada, Suzuka Ueno, Eriko Sato, Yusuke Hirayama, Tokie Negishi, Asami Mizukawa, Tomorowo Taguchi, Sei Matobu Director/Screenplay: Eiji Uchida (The Naked Director, Love of the Lowlife) Music: Keiichiro Shibuya Distribution: Kino Films ©2020 Midnight Swan Film Partner Official Website: https://midnightswan-movie.com/ Official Twitter: / m_swan_film0925