How We Are Deceived: We Tell You About Marketers' Tricks Dynamic music, the smell of freshly baked goods, bright lighting, and two products for the price of one — these are just the simplest tricks that marketers use. In this video, Ira walked around local supermarkets and discovered THIS! After this stroll, her shopping trips will never be the same. In the video, we tell you how customers are affected by: — Bait products. — Discount cards and loyalty programs. — Shelf arrangement. — Product placement. — Appetite stimulation. — Product packaging. — Eco-packages. — Complementary products. — Hypnosis with music. Watch the video so that next time you go to the store, you can be on your guard and not fall for marketers' tricks. That way, your money will be safer. Read also: 10 financial promises to make to yourself in 2019 https://lifehacker.ru/finansovye-obes... Financial literacy for dummies: how to have fun on a budget https://lifehacker.ru/finansovyj-dajd... 6 signs that you have financial problems, even if you don’t notice it https://lifehacker.ru/finansovye-prob... 10 financial mistakes you make every day https://lifehacker.ru/finansovye-oshi... Lifehacker on social networks: https://vk.com/lifehacker_ru / lifehacker.ru / ru_lh #lifecheck