https://www.medicinaeinformazione.com/ / medicinaeinformazione / einformazione 9 STEPS TO TREAT DEPRESSION HOW MANY TYPES OF DEPRESSION ARE THERE - MULTIMODAL AND PERSONALIZED APPROACH - THE ROLE OF NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY - PROF. MASSIMO BIONDI - SASPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME Over 300 million people in the world suffer from depression, a complex and multifaceted universe, so much so that today we no longer speak of depression as a single disease, but of depressions, different forms of depression in terms of symptoms, evolution and impact on the life of those who suffer from it, forms that require a personalized approach and a dedicated path. Until now, to treat depression we have always talked about drugs on the one hand and psychotherapy on the other, a dichotomy that often has no reason to exist since both approaches can be used depending on the needs of the individual patient. But today a new scenario opens up, with strong scientific evidence on other aspects that intervene in the treatment, such as physical activity, nutrition, sociality, art, the gut-brain axis and circadian rhythms. These are 9 steps that represent precious tools for the treatment of depression. We talked about it with Prof. Massimo Biondi, former Full Professor of Psychiatry, Sapienza University of Rome. Among the topics: Various types of depression and how they manifest themselves. Chapter on drugs: what are the classes of drugs useful for the treatment of depression, when they are used and how they work With what attitude are they taken, whether passively or actively. Non-pharmacological treatment. Psychotherapy and more, such as knowing depressogenic thoughts and antidepressant thoughts, a style of thinking that can be of great help. One of the first signs of depression is to close oneself off, to lose interests and affections. And then we understand how important it is to keep the social network strong and above all how to do it when depression turns off the light of relationships When we talk about depression we always mean a disease of the mind but in reality the body also has its own suffering and manifests it with precise signals, which are not always recognized. What they are and what they tell us about the suffering of those who face depression. New evidence of some aspects that have so far been little considered in treatment paths, first of all physical activity, which has shown extraordinary effects. let's understand why and what benefits it can bring Other surprising evidence comes from nutrition, which can have a protective role with what are defined as antidepressant foods, such as fish, antioxidant foods, vitamin D. In this case we are talking about therapeutic recipes. Sleep disorders are another indicator of depressive disorders, you sleep little, or you sleep too much, perhaps staying awake at night and sleeping during the day. Here too, you can intervene by taking advantage of the benefits of daylight and respecting the circadian rhythms of sleep-wake alternation. Emotions, such as music, painting and art in general, can contribute to improving your mood.