In just a few years, your profession could change radically. It's likely that the company you work for will no longer exist and that you won't even be able to find a job with what you know today. Check out 9 surprising phenomena that will make you rethink your future at work. Ahhh... it's best to listen while sitting down because there's a risk of you falling out of your chair. Music: Feels Good 2 B by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Artist: http://audionautix.com/ Sources of research cited: http://www.brasilpost.com.br/mauro-se... http://www.techtudo.com.br/noticias/n... http://plannerfelipemorais.blogspot.c... http://www.telequest.com.br/portal/in... http://www.executivosfinanceiros.com.... http://quatrorodas.abril.com.br/mater... http://corporate.canaltech.com.br/not... http://aeromagazine.uol.com.br/artigo... http://www.executivosfinanceiros.com.... http://www.bbc.com/portuguese/noticia... http://www.executivosfinanceiros.com.... http://www.cisco.com/web/PT/press/art... http://epoca.globo.com/vida/vida-util... http://cromasolutions.com.br/blog/11-... Spectacular YouTube videos showing everyday scenes from the beginning of the century, where some scenes were taken from this video montage. / channel / @mcdonnelltech • Video • Video • The Century: America's Time - 1920-19... • The Century: America's Time - 1941-19... • The Century: America's Time - 1936-19... • Video • Video • Video • Philips Factory Thirties