Paint nine styles of leaves with brush strokes using oil, discover how I paint them easily, we will use a flat liner brush and a mop brush, it is a basic technique for beginners. Would you like to support this educational channel with a contribution? Here is my account number. Name: Miguel Rincón Hernández Bank: Banamex 5204 1657 7745 52 90 I sincerely appreciate your support through the super chats and super stickers. If you like this video, I invite you to subscribe to my channel, remember to click on the bell so that you receive notifications every time I upload a video or do a live broadcast. Also click LIKE, share and comment below the video, your support is very important for this channel. YouTube: Estudio Miguel Rincón and/or @Ricardo Guerra, Crafts, Painting and More. Any questions contact me [email protected] Facebook fan page Miguel Rincón Artista Instagram: Miguel_Rincón_Artista twitter: @miguelrinconh #oil #leaves #leaf #sheets #brushstrokes #brushstrokes #PinceladasconMiguelRincon #MiguelRincon #OnestrokeconMiguelRincon #RicardoGuerraManualidadesPinturayMas #freeclass #brushes #color #ideas #crafts #hobby #entertainment #strokes #folkart #mexicanpainting #today #news #onestroke #crafts #freehandbrushstroke #doubleloadpainting #handpainted #oleocolors