Their names are Andy, Jake, Arlester or George. In 1944, they were only 18, 19 or 20 years old and had no idea where they were going to land, or the war they were going to wage on the other side of the world. These former soldiers are now old gentlemen, almost all of them centenarians, and yet their memories are intact and charged with incredible emotion. Discover unique and poignant testimonies. Eighty years later, what remains of D-Day in the United States? For this exceptional issue of Enquêtes de région, a team from France 3 Normandie went to the United States to meet some of the last veterans of the Landing. Editor-in-chief Mickaël Goavec A magazine produced by Florent Turpin, Simon Le Pape, Xavier Gérard, Marc Michel and Régis Saint-Estève Find our content about the 80th anniversary of the landing here: https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.... #normandie #normandy #normandylanding #dday #80thanniversary #libertation #hommage #memoire #veteran #jourd #worldwar2 #heroes #omahabeach #DDayAnniversary #WW2Veterans #NormandyInvasion #RememberingDday #WorldWar2History #DDayHeroes #Normandy1944 #WW2Stories #VeteransOfWW2 #DdayMemorial #OperationOverlord #OmahaBeach #WarStories #HistoricalEvents #WW2Documentary #Dday75 #DdayLandings #HistoryChannel #DdayRemembered #MilitaryHistory #LiberationOfFrance #WW2Footage #HeroesOfWW2 #DdayCommemoration #VeteransDay #NormandyLandings #DDayVeterans #WorldWarII #DDay #WarHeroes #DDayCommemoration #MilitaryHistory #1944 #D-DayBeaches #OmahaBeach #VeteransTestimonies #DDayMemory #OperationOverlord #BattleOfNormandy All the news in Normandy ► http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.f... Join our Facebook community ► / france3normandie Follow us on Twitter ► / f3normandie Subscribe to our Instagram account ► / france3normandie Discover our TikTok account ► / france3normandie