Learn about EBAC courses here - https://ebac.me/ul3s COUPON: SUPER The traditional list of the worst horror films of 2023 is now live. Well, check out the 8 worst films that tried to scare us, but only managed to generate a lot of embarrassment. At least, in the opinion of this humble channel. Yeah, the intention isn't always what counts when our precious time is at stake, is it? But hey... even bad films can give us some knowledge from the counter-example and can also, who knows, provide good entertainment through unintentional humor. Some of these were released in theaters, others arrived, at least with more force, on streaming platforms, such as Netflix and Prime Video, but the most important thing is that they all made us sad last year. Can anyone guess which ones they are? So, enough talk and let's check out this special list from Super Oito. SUBSCRIBE to the channel - http://bit.ly/otaviouga OTAVIO UGÁ: Social networks: @otaviouga BUSINESS CONTACT: [email protected] 00:00 Intro 02:45 8 04:40 7 06:18 6 08:14 5 10:23 4 12:19 3 15:14 2 17:13 1 19:40 Dishonorable mention