Meet TELECINE - https://teleci.ne/3bJrUte And for those who like lists, this one will be a good source of entertainment for you to enjoy while you're stuck at home and can't go out: horror movies that many of them don't do much good, don't generate much buzz, don't reach the attention of many people and therefore are underrated gems that here at Super Oito get a little push so that they get the attention they deserve. There's horror and suspense about chases, supernatural, zombies, demonic beings originated by a curse, revenge, style, mind-blowing frenzy and much more. And the best part is that only one of them has been on the channel before. So there are a lot of new suggestions. SUBSCRIBE to the channel - http://bit.ly/otaviouga Be my PATREON - / otaviouga Be my SPONSOR - http://padrim.com.br/otaviouga OTAVIO UGÁ: Social networks: @otaviouga CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Caixa Postal 16202, CEP: 22221-971, Rio de Janeiro-RJ COMMERCIAL CONTACT: [email protected]