The 60-day free trial has already expired, but you can still try TELECINE for 30 DAYS FREE - https://teleci.ne/3bJrUte Yes, yes, yes... you asked for it and Super Oito delivered. Here's another list of recommended movies to watch in the comfort of your own home. And we're back to horror and suspense, because it seems to be a genre that most of you and I have a certain fondness for, right? So, what can you do if you approved an encore of this kind of scary, terrifying, dark and frightening movie? Are you scared yet? Not yet... so get ready for ghosts, evil entities, masked people, revenge stories, alligators, psychological stories and much more. Just press that play button and come with Super Oito's suggestions on yet another tour of underrated movies showing on Telecine. SUBSCRIBE to the channel - http://bit.ly/otaviouga OTAVIO UGÁ: Social networks: @otaviouga BUSINESS CONTACT: [email protected]