Meet TELECINE - https://teleci.ne/3bJrUte And here we have another list of movie recommendations for you to watch in the comfort of your home. The genre this time is action and adventure. Tebeife, perepepei and quality frenzy for your late night and moments of entertainment. And since there are 8 movies that are generally underrated, now I will try to show some points as to why they deserve a chance. And among these productions, there are police, troubles, traps, survival, realistic and trippy movies, based on real events and completely fictional. And the best part is that they are all new here on the channel. So it's time for us to get to work with these new suggestions from Super Oito. SUBSCRIBE to the channel - http://bit.ly/otaviouga OTAVIO UGÁ: Social media: @otaviouga BUSINESS CONTACT: [email protected]