Free class on Cambly with the code OITOCAMBLY: http://bit.ly/2tOsMwB Try Cambly Kids for just R$1: http://bit.ly/2SyYHtj Cambly app for iPhone: http://bit.ly/cambly-ios Cambly app for Android: http://bit.ly/cambly-android In this little list, we'll evaluate some movie titles that ended up being better here in Brazil than the originals. Because some foreign titles are sometimes too objective, sometimes they don't quite capture the spirit of the work... but when these movies travel around the world, they get other names that change the face of the project. As a bonus, we'll take a look at what these works were called in Portugal. And since I love recommending movies, in case you don't know the movies on the list, I'll also add some arguments to explain why these productions are worth checking out. There are comedies, suspense, horror and even westerns. So now it's up to you to see if you approved these recommendations. SUBSCRIBE to the channel - http://bit.ly/otaviouga Be my PATREON - / otaviouga Be my SPONSOR - http://padrim.com.br/otaviouga OTAVIO UGÁ: Social networks: @otaviouga CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Caixa Postal 16202, CEP: 22221-971, Rio de Janeiro-RJ COMMERCIAL CONTACT: [email protected]