8 PRINCIPLES of MINDSET and personal development for SUCCESS In my opinion, the first pillar you must change to achieve financial freedom is your Mindset. Without a successful and prosperous mindset, you can earn millions of dollars and still remain poor. Being rich has to do with your mindset, not how much you earn. In this video, I will tell you 8 principles of mindset and personal development that, if you understand and put into practice in your life, I guarantee that you will have a more prosperous and happy life. If you want to learn how to have a rich mindset, watch the video until the end. .. .. #benzruel #bensincero #comoserrico Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/benzruel?su... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▼Follow Ben Zruel on Social Media ▼ • Official Website » http://benzruel.com.br • Telegram » http://benzruel.com.br/telegram • https://www.youtube.com/c/benzruel?su... ???? Subscribe to the Channel ????A production: NPD Marketing Digital Website: https://www.npddesign.com.br/ Instagram: / npdmkt YouTube: @npddesign ..