In today's lesson we will see what 7th guitar chords or dominant chords are, how we can build them and how we can play them on the guitar. If you want to go deeper into this lesson I will show you how to make these chords more effective by making them more dissonant: • How to make 7th or dominant chords... Download the PDF of this lesson here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/n69ayc... The 7th chords or dominant chords are applied on the V degrees of the major and minor scales, their main function is to generate tension in the harmonic progressions. The 7th guitar chords are the second most important chord within a scale, the fifth degree, for many it is just as important as the first, they are like light and darkness and if you have one you must have the other. In the lesson we will see an example of a harmonic progression that will help us understand balance and tension in music. Once we understand this, it will be easier for us to apply type 7 chords, since their specific function is to increase the amount of tension generated by the fifth degree in the scale. In the pdf I have placed the fingerings for this chord, so that in this way you can study it and apply it to any harmonic progression. Of the family of chords with a seventh, the dominant or 7 is the most used and among chords in general it appears very frequently, for this reason I suggest studying it. Find in this list everything you need to know about the different types of chords: • Guitar chords, everything you need to know... Learn about our online guitar and music training courses: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/ Buy our books: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/libro... #guitar #guitarist #guitarclasses