@haurastudio412 75 SYEKH ABDUL QODIR JAELANI'S ADVICE ABOUT LIFE // SYEKH ABDUL QODIR JAELANI // WISE WORDS Sulthonul Auliyā-ì wa Imāmil 'Ulama wa Qudwatul Ashfiyā-ì, Quthbir Råbbānī wal Ghoutsush-Shomadànì, Quthub Al-'Alāmin, Sayyidi as- Sayyid Syeikh Muhyiddin 'Abdul Qōdir Al-Jilānī, Al-Imām Al-Quthubul Aqthåb, Qoddasallāhu Sirrahu, or better known as Tuan Syeikh Abdul Qodir Al-Jilani, is a famous Sufi. He is respected as the leader of the saints and the priest of the scholars, an example for the chosen ones, as well as a great spiritual axis. His wisdom and wisdom have inspired many people from various circles. In order to remember and add to our scientific treasures, the following video presents 75 pieces of advice from Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jailani that we have compiled from various sources. These advices are expected to be a deep reflection for all of us in our daily lives, improve our spiritual quality, and draw closer to Allah SWT. Let us take wisdom from every message he delivers, as an effort to improve ourselves and deepen our faith. #syekh #nasehat #sawuf #syekhabdulqodirjaelani #kajianislam #marifatullah #sufi #doa #dzikir #katabijak