Approved for ages 12 and up Kabel Eins rip-off expert Peter Giesel and reporter Gloria Gotz test three mystery boxes with surprise contents from the Internet with electronics, DIY and clothing items. Is the content usable? And is it really cheaper? ► Full episodes: https://www.joyn.de/serien/achtung-ab... *************************************** ► Peter Giesel on Facebook: / petergieseltv ► Kabel eins on Facebook: / kabeleins ► Kabel eins on Instagram: / kabel_eins *************************************** #kabeleins BEWARE OF RIP-OFFS - ON THE TRAIL OF FRAUDSTERS Beware of rip-offs - on the trail of fraudsters - Thursdays, 8:15 p.m. on Kabel Eins. Legal notice: https://www.kabeleins.de/service/impr...