I wish I had known these 7 things when I first started knitting. This knowledge would have saved me a lot of money, time and effort. But, everything is learned through experience and I do not regret that I had to go through this path. Thanks to the fact that I went through all this, I can now give you these 7 important tips that would have helped me a lot in my knitting journey at the very beginning. ❗Telegram chat is now available ONLY for channel Sponsors. To see all the privileges of the Sponsor, please follow the link: / @sny_alpaki ❗❗For residents of Russia, a subscription to Boosty is available, after which you will be automatically added to the Telegram chat: https://boosty.to/snyalpaki/purchase/... My first Spider Web: • I knit a Spider Web Jumper from Start to Finish... The video I learned to crochet from: • THE ENTIRE BASE OF CROCHETTING FROM SCRATCH bas... I knitted my first sweater using this master class: • A simple oversized sweater with knitting needles for the ... I knitted my first cardigan using this master class: • A master class on a cardigan with knitting needles for autum... My favorite store in Israel: https://gdil.co.il/ Woolwarehouse: https://www.woolwarehouse.co.uk Etsy: https://www.etsy.com