That's it! You've decluttered your home, you've done a big sort out, but the days, weeks, months have passed and without you realizing it, a pile of objects have crept back into your home. You're wondering what could have happened, how all your efforts didn't bear fruit, why you still find yourself invaded by all these things that clutter your life? I reassure you, it's completely normal. As I've already said, we're not trying to be perfect. Minimalism is a journey and people who claim to have mastered everything are surely not telling the truth. However, there are many tips to avoid re-cluttering your space. Today I suggest you reveal 7 secrets of sustainable minimalism, 7 ways that will allow you to prevent clutter again. Tell me in the comments how you manage to maintain a minimalist interior and if you already apply any of these tips to avoid re-cluttering your space. Take good care of yourself and see you soon! ???? Nathalie VIDEO CHAPTERS: Welcome 00:00 General intro 00:16 Intro 01:20 Secret #1 01:40 Secret #2 03:12 Secret #3 04:03 Secret #4 05:03 Secret #5 05:46 Secret #6 06:42 Secret #7 07:18 Conclusion 07:58