instagram @yuxchae contact [email protected] Hello, this is Yuchae???? Today, I brought you a 7-style hair styling tutorial video!???????????? I wanted to show you in as much detail as possible so that you can understand easily, so I edited the cuts with some leeway???????? I organized the timeline, so I think it would be good to refer to it! If you have any further questions, please leave a comment!???? 00:00 start! 0:18 [1] Layered cut C-curl 02:56 [2] Volume + bangs curling iron 11:41 Tip! Curling iron temperature setting 06:48 [3] Favorite wave 13:02 [4] Layered out C-curl + S-curl 15:45 [5] Half-up 17:02 Tip! Super easy way to organize frizzy hair by tying it up 17:30 [6] How to have pretty goddess hair 21:51 [7] Braided hair 25:49 Tip! Things to watch out for when you have a ponytail 26:09 Tip! Recommended and non-recommended hair clips ???? glampalm GP201T 240,000won https://brand.naver.com/glampalm/prod... voshop Glam Wave Bongodegi Black 87,000won http://www.voshop.co.kr/m/product.htm... The hair clip I used in today's video doesn't have any information, so I'll recommend a product I used when I worked at the shop! (I personally like this one better hehe) ???????? Recommended hair clip https://link.coupang.com/a/bV10Rz ???? • I'm Pine! : Cute piano music, vlog music, copyright... #유채YUCHAE #hairstyling #hair