???? All the information on my photo courses in the Luberon, in Provence, is here: https://aventures-de-photographe.fr/s... ???? Subscribe to my newsletter, it's here: https://aventures-de-photographe.fr The most difficult thing, when you start in photography, is not what you think... We focus on the settings, and mastering your camera, often brand new. We start by reading the user manual, and then we quickly put it aside, to try out your camera. And that's normal, because if you don't know how to use your camera, you won't be able to use it properly. At worst, you stay in auto mode, and there, you might as well have a good smartphone... Of course, the settings are important, but if you get down to it seriously and regularly, it's a done deal in less than 2 weeks. It's not the most difficult thing. The hardest part remains to be done: how do you know what to photograph and how to photograph it? Why do some photos work, and why not others, even though they are very similar? In short, when you learn on your own, you fumble around and you progress slowly. And you make a lot of mistakes. The last photography course has just ended, and I realized that some mistakes were common to many apprentice photographers. When I started photography, I also made these mistakes... During my photography courses, I help you progress in photography and overcome your blockages. ???? For those who like the music in my videos: https://artlist.io/Stef-724242 (2 months free via this link) ❤️ If you like what you see, subscribe to my channel: / stefkocyla Good photos and see you soon! ???? Stef Kocyla Find me on social media: Instagram: / stef_kocyla TikTok: / stef_kocyla LinkedIn: / stef-kocyla-45201a6a Facebook page: / aventuresdephotographe My equipment: My favorite editing software: https://tidd.ly/2Ii40fx My other favorite editing software :) : http://clkuk.tradedoubler.com/click?p... My camera: https://www.sony.fr/electronics/appar... My favorite camera: https://www.insta360.com/sal/one_x2?i... My best lens: https://amzn.to/33lgt8S My NiSi filters and accessories: https://www.nisifilters.fr/?NiSi=Kocyla My professional screen: https://amzn.to/2TUlN0N My lighting: https://amzn.to/2NzzLQL My telephoto lens: https://amzn.to/2CO6JX7 My stabilized camera: https://amzn.to/2Uob7DF My tripod: https://amzn.to/2CQ1gPT These are affiliate links, by going through these links, I will receive a small commission which will help me produce ever more qualitative content. All the equipment is tested and approved by myself. This has no impact on the price of course.???? #stefkocyla 7 composition errors in photography h • 7 composition errors in photography