Today I'm going to show you how to find out if there are diamonds on your farm... who wouldn't like to find a diamond in nature, right? Well, we know that diamonds are very valuable precious stones and that they are also rare and hard to find stones, but I'm going to tell you a secret here, do you think that the big diamond mining companies knew that they don't look for diamonds, what do you mean? instead of looking for a diamond out there, which would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, companies look for signs of diamonds, that is, they look for other stones that give the signal that the region has potential so that we can find diamonds, and in this video I will show you 7 minerals that you can find in nature that are indicators of diamonds... ►►PLAY LIST OF HOW TO IDENTIFY DIAMONDS IN VARIOUS CASES • DIAMOND places where we can find Want to know more about precious stones: BOOK OF GEMOLOGY FOR BEGINNERS: https://go.hotmart.com/L49913194R ►TYPES OF DIAMOND IDENTIFY • TYPES OF DIAMONDS precious stones i... ►STONE THAT HAS DIAMOND INSIDE • stone that has DIAMOND identify ►►PLAYLIST OF HOW TO FIND DIAMOND https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ... ►HOW IDENTIFY DIAMOND: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OfJN... ►WHAT ARE BLACK AND CARBONATED DIAMONDS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nvP1... ►HOW DO I KNOW THE STONES IN MY CITY? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbvID... ►STONES THAT HAVE PRECIOUS STONES INSIDE • STONES that have PRECIOUS STONES INSIDE... ►SHE FINDS DIAMOND AND DOES NOT IDENTIFY • she finds DIAMOND and does not identify ►HOW TO LEGALIZE DIAMOND? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNFSc... ►STONES THAT HAVE DIAMOND INSIDE • she finds DIAMOND and does not identify ►HOW TO FIND DIAMOND IN RIO • How to IDENTIFY DIAMOND in RIO talk to us on Instagram pedrase.achados ☻☺☻☺☻ #preciousstone#diamond#diamonds