‣ Instagram: /ara_barria ‣ Email: [email protected] ‣ Twitter: /ara_barria ‣ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdKML3E8/ ‣ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.es/Ara_barria/ Hi, how are you? I am happy to be able to share with you the first video as a Medical Intern; I still can't believe that I went from being a medical student to being an Intern, time flew by haha As the title says, we started the Pediatrics internship rotating through Primary Health Care or Cesfam, which is the gateway to other facilities, care and specialties, so the work that the APS officials do is very important. Thank you for being here once again, love you. Music by Thematic; Download royalty free music for your videos or any audiovisual project you have without having to worry about copyright or copyright issues. Get a premium account where you can get even more amazing music from a huge variety here: https://app.hellothematic.com/?via=ar... ‣ Music by Naomi - Osaka - https://thmatc.co/?l=B7BEFAA7 FTC : not sponsored medical student, studying medicine, organization, medical internship #medstudent #medstudent #organization #medicalinternship #pediatrics