A laid-back and deep esports radio show hosted by XQQ and crow, updated on the 9th of every month. In this episode, they talk about their memories traveling around the world with guest content creator TENNN. 🐱XQQ - / iamxq 👿crow - / no960fps 💪TENNN - / tenhakyou 00:00 Opening talk 02:23 Most memorable moment from your time as a player 13:49 Story about when the group was first formed 19:59 What was your favorite country? 24:49 Delicious things I've enjoyed in the countries I've visited so far29:10 Difficult episodes as a coach31:52 Words to new coach Crow36:56 ED ⚡ZETA DIVISION X - / zetadivision Instagram - / zetadivision Web - https://zetadivision.com/ Store - https://store.zetadivision.com/ 🤝Partners Nissin Foods - https://www.nissin.com/jp/ JCB - https://www.jcb.jp/ Monster Energy - https://www.monsterenergy.com/jp/ja/home LEVEL∞ - https://www.pc-koubou.jp/pc/game.php ZENAIM - https://zenaim.com/ BenQ ZOWIE - https://zowie.benq.com/ja/index.html INZONE - https://www.sony.jp/inzone/ Herman Miller - https://www.hermanmiller.com/ja_jp/ #ZETADIVISION #VCT #VALORANT