Watch more videos ► http://goo.gl/Gt6xzR Subscribe here ► http://goo.gl/FvyaUV Traumi's nightmare Traumi is fed up with the Smurf village. He wants to travel the world and have adventures. But the travel-loving Smurf doesn't get very far... Handy, the weather maker That's a thing! Handi has developed a machine that can change the weather... Don't waste, don't smurf That was very unwise! Suddenly the Smurfs are running low on food because their little blue friends have been playing with the food... The lifesaver Handy Smurf saved Clumsy from a terrible fate. Clumsy swears eternal devotion to his savior and does his best to pay off his debt... With strange results. A clever plan is needed to put an end to Clumsy's well-intentioned disasters... No Time For Smurfs Handy, Brainy, Clumsy and Smurfette discover the hourglass of time in a cave and their bungling causes time to spiral out of control for all the Smurfs. Visit our website ►http://goo.gl/szB5Gh Get to know the Smurfs ► http://goo.gl/86N6MK Fun and games ► http://goo.gl/O7uvoS Instagram ► / smurfs.official Thank you very much for your support! We appreciate every video rating and every comment! The Smurfs In this series we follow the adventures of the Smurfs. They are small blue creatures who live in a peaceful little village and try to outwit the evil Gargamel.